Soft Gel (BIAB/Lastik/Lastik+/Lastik HF/Lastik Plus HF)




Yes, you can use LASTIK or LASTIK HF as a base.

We would recommend standard CLEAR LASTIK as your first choice base coat application for the bulk of your clients. For clients sensitive to HEMA or clients who suffer from sweaty hand or oily skin, we would recommend to use LASTIK HF CLEAR as your base coat application. 

You probably would find that you wouldn't need to do an acrylic pour over PLUS as it cures so much harder than normal Lastik. Plus being a thicker viscosity would take longer for the powder to saturate into the gel and the overall enhancement will be much thicker- but it can be done if you wanted.

The One Sanitizer Spray, Nail Prep, Sticky Bond, Lastik, Lastik Plus, Gel Polish and Top Coat. That essentially should be enough for a basic structured gel mani.

Opt for HF options (Sticky Bond HF, Lastik HF and Lastik HF PLUS) if your client is sensitive to HEMA

Yes, we would recommend applying a top coat over Lastik.

Yes, you can use Lastik as your base coat, to adhere the vogues as well as if you needed a structured apex adjustment or for infills on top of tips. Lastik and Lastik Plus are our rubber based Builder gels that are in a soak off formula. Lastik Plus is a thicker & harder curing version of Lastik, but can be used in all the same ways as Lastik. 

Opt for HF options (Sticky Bond HF, Lastik HF and Lastik HF PLUS) if your client is sensitive to HEMA

None of our products are tested on animals nor do they contain any animal derived products except our Sable Hair (Kolinsky) Acrylic Brushes.

You can use any of our primers under our Lastik. Sticky Bond is most commonly used with Lastik. If a client has oilier nail plates, we recommend using “primer” very sparingly which is acid based, allow that to dry chalky, then you can apply Lastik.

Opt for HF options (Sticky Bond HF, Lastik HF and Lastik HF PLUS) if your client is sensitive to HEMA

If you are too close to a window the UV will cause this to happen or if your over head lamp is sending out UV. Please be careful with your bottle/jar around any of your UV Cure Lamps this includes your flash cure lamps. 

Lastik is a combination between a rubber base and builder gel, which means it doesn't require a separate base coat but you always have the option to apply a thin base coat layer of clear Lastik (curing it) before going in and building your structure using Lastik or Lastik PLUS. 

We do recommend prepping the nail properly prior to any nail system. Once the nail is prepped and primed, Lastik can be then applied and a top coat can be used on top of. 

Applying a separate base layer is recommended for a few scenarios:

1. When using a harder curing system (Lastik Plus, PUG, Iconic or Acrylic) on clients with thin, brittle, bendy, flaky nails, or nails prone to lifting, applying a base coat layer (and curing it) of Clear Lastik will help with retention. 

2. When the nail surface has any irregularities like dips, ridges, or you had lots of lifting during an infill - applying a base coat will help make your subsequent building layers easier. 

3. If a client suffers from heat spikes, applying a base coat of Clear Lastik will help to reduce the spiking with the building layers. 

Even though PLUS can be used without a Base Coat, when a hard curing product is being applied over thin, brittle, bendy, flaky nails, or nails prone to lifting, we would recommend using a base coat of Clear Lastik (GP696) or Stick 'n Float Rubber Base under the product. These base products offer a superior adhesive base providing a bridging layer between the flexible natural nail and the harder curing Acrylic/PLUS/PUG/Iconic gel, helping to prevent lifting, peeling, or chipping. 

No, the ONE COAT COLOUR Lastiks are recommended to be applied in thin coats to ensure even colour and curing. These gels can be used as a colour similar to gel polish over natural nails, over your Clear Lastik/ Plus building layers (or any of the PN enhancement systems) or can be used as a rubber base coat under your enhancements.

The ONE COAT COLOURS can be found under their own section on the website and the colours include:


If you require a HEMA free option we would recommend LASTIK HF and LASTIK HF PLUS which are completely HEMA FREE variants of our lastik range. 

Standard Lastik and Lastik PLUS contains small amounts of HEMA, used for its excellant adhesive properties. We ensure that we use low levels of HEMA, well below the % that the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has stated are safe. Our lamps are tested with our products to ensure they cure the gel properly and effectively. 


If your client is allergic to HEMA it is important to find a HEMA-free product- we recommend the LASTIK HF range for clients with HEMA sensitivities. If your client is not allergic to HEMA you need to look for a product that uses the correct amount of HEMA and make sure you are using it following the manufactures instructions.


Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate (HEMA) is part of the monomer family and is used to help promote the adhesive properties in nail products. It has been used for many years safely and effectively within our industry. However, with the huge rise in unregulated products coming to the market, using concentrations of HEMA in excess of 30%, we are now witnessing an allergy epidemic.

This is NOT just about unsightly nails! HEMA is part of the Methacrylate Family, and Methacrylate is not solely used in the nail industry. It is also used in dental surgeries, joint replacement surgeries, adhesives in Band-Aids, hearing aids and the list goes on. A Methacrylate allergy can have far reaching implications. DO NOT take allergic reactions lightly. Encourage your allergic client to seek dermatological allergy testing (for both Methacrylate and acrylate specifically) before using any other UV gel product on them. Then, avoid any product (think of the entire service from prep to topcoat) that includes the ingredients that the client is allergic to.


Most PN products are HEMA free. Four of our products/product lines do contain HEMA and has been safely used for many years. We ensure that we use low levels of HEMA, well below the % that the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has stated are safe. Our lamps are tested with our products to ensure they cure the gel properly and effectively. We offer training in every nail system available within the PN range and openly share as much info on how to use our products safely and effectively in our FB support groups.


We would also like to highlight that HEMA isn’t the only known ingredient that is causing lots of the reactions we are seeing in the industry today. IBOA - isobournyl acrylate is another key ingredient to look out for. Not to be confused with IBOMA - isobournyl methacrylate, which is a much safer option in nail products.


We take the health of the nail; the client and the nail technician seriously and never use known allergens at unsafe levels. Our products are highly regulated and safe to use when used correctly. For your customers, we can absolutely assure you when they see a complete Planet Nails system being used correctly and safely, they are in safe hands.